4 Advantages of Data Backup and Recovery for Business

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There are a lot of high-profile cyber attacks that make headlines each year. Unfortunately, many smaller companies believe that hackers only go after big corporations that have millions of dollars or expansive databases containing sensitive information and financial records.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Consider the following cybersecurity statistics:

  • A new organization will fall victim to ransomware every 11 seconds by 2021.
  • Ransomware attacks increased over 97% in the past two years.
  • Ransomware resulting from phishing emails increased 109% since 2017.
  • Ransomware costs businesses more than $75 billion per year.
  • 75% of companies infected with ransomware were running up-to-date endpoint protection.
  • 34% of businesses hit with a malware attack took a week or more to regain access to their data.

The Advantages of Data Recovery

Hackers will keep trying to access your systems and shifting their methods to trick your employees into clicking on suspicious links. While practical tactics like employee education and two-factor authentication are vitally important to prevent a breach, the reality is that not every attempt may be stopped. The only way to increase your chances of withstanding a ransomware attack or other malicious attempts from cyber criminals is with a proactive approach that includes a disaster recovery plan.

A data backup and recovery system can help you mitigate cyber risks (and potential financial implications). By working with an experienced team of IT professionals who specialize in cyber security, your company can be prepared and experience the following benefits.

1. Ability to Recover Your Data

Most people have a backup of their data in cloud storage; unfortunately, that is not enough. You need to be able to access the server and software your data lives on as well. Being able to restore your data and software from a data center allows you to get up and running much faster than having to rebuild and reload everything. An offsite server offers another layer of security to help ensure your data is protected.

2. Improved Compliance

Many industries (e.g., healthcare, education, finance) have strict regulations surrounding the protection of confidential information. Organizations in these industries, whether small and medium sized companies or large corporations, must have cybersecurity protocols in place in the form of a disaster recovery plan to remain in compliance. The plan must be documented and tested regularly to meet compliance requirements.

3. Higher Worker Satisfaction

Every business owner wants their employees to look forward to coming in to work and enjoying what they do. Having this type of plan and other cybersecurity measures in place allows them to work without fear of accidental deletion of important files or compromising sensitive data. Another consideration is whether you have a disgruntled employee who accesses your operating systems and maliciously deletes data. The good thing is that the data isn’t permanently lost because you have that data backed up off-site where it can be easily recovered.

4. Peace of Mind

Unless you or someone on your team is an IT wizard, chances are you don’t know how to outwit persistent hackers. Knowing there are cyber criminals lurking on the dark web looking for opportunities to steal your business data or hold important files hostage keeps many business owners up at night.

The tactics used by hackers are constantly evolving, so having a backup plan that includes data stored off-site helps ensure you’re protected no matter how they attack you. It can even protect you from data loss resulting from hardware failure. That kind of assurance can feel priceless.

Ready to take the next steps to protecting your data and your livelihood? Contact the team at Technology Pointe for a free consultation and put your IT fears to rest.

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