Cloud-Managed Wi-Fi

Cloud computing is here to stay. Be it hosted email or file storage and sharing, business is evolving to a more mobile model.



From our perspective, the real advantage to cloud managed Wi-Fi is the ability to monitor the network and engage issues remotely. Most providers, like Datto Networking, give administrators a web portal, which can be used to continually monitor traffic and users on your network. This allows us to remotely resolve almost any Wi-Fi issue, usually before you notice a problem.

Another benefit of being able to manage from the cloud is flexibility and ease of installation. If your organization is nationwide, or even international, a cloud-managed solution provides control of your entire wireless network from a single interface. Thanks to that single interface, scalability is as easy as plugging in a new access point anywhere in the world. Additionally, there is no need for any hardware other than the access points themselves, saving you money.

Cloud managed Wi-Fi can reduce equipment failures while providing consistent maintenance and security. Thanks to the ability to remotely manage all of your access points, we can make sure that all systems receive the most recent patches and updates. This also allows us to proactively diagnose and remediate issues before workflow is affected.

A cloud-managed wireless solution can increase productivity, cut costs and improve network security. Your organization will experience less downtime and a predictable monthly cost to help you reach your business goals and objectives.

Visit our contact us page and let us know if you think a cloud managed Wi-Fi solution might be right for your business.

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