Just like technology itself, technology terminology is always changing. So, we made a list of the tech terms and acronyms we think business owners, administrators, and employees should know. This is the third installment of a multi-part series we are calling Technology Terms, Simplified. You can find Part I here, Part II here, and Part III here. This series will cover terms and acronyms that we hope will educate, enlighten, and even pull back the curtain on how an MSP like The Purple Guys provides world-class support to its partners.
An endpoint is essentially any device that can be used to connect to your network. Desktops, laptops, tablets, IoT devices, etc. It is crucial to protect these devices with some form of endpoint security. Endpoint security protects your organization by safeguarding the endpoints that serve as gateways to your network and assets. Endpoints are one of the most common attack vectors of small business cyberattacks.
Machine learning is an artificial intelligence method in which algorithms are taught to see specific patterns and respond by executing tasks. Machine learning is what enables Endpoint Detection & Response tools to both spot and mitigate cyberattacks in real-time.
Simply put, spoofing means to imitate. In the technology world, spoofing is often used in social engineering attacks. A bad actor will spoof their email address or phone number to appear as if it is coming from a known or trusted source, like a vendor or a position of authority within the target’s organization. People are more likely to interact with a request if it is coming from a familiar account or number.
Shadow IT is the use of technology, be it hardware or software, without approval from ownership or the IT department. The use of unapproved technology can open security holes or negatively impact systems. For example, a employee installing a new antivirus program alongside the antivirus installed by the IT Department can cause major problems. Multiple antivirus software applications running on the same computer can cause system slowness or conflicts that prevent virus detection.
The concept of a human firewall is used to describe an organization’s employees that implement cybersecurity best practices and alert management and the IT department to any security events or suspicious activity. Human error is one of the leading causes of security incidents, so it is imperative for businesses to provide cybersecurity awareness training in order to create their own human firewall.
Encryption is a method of securing data mathematically and in such a way that a key is required to decipher the information. Encryption is commonly used in small businesses as a way to ensure that sensitive data isn’t accessed from a lost or stolen device or in transit when sent over the internet.
Keep an eye on our social media channels for Part V coming soon. Make sure to follow our LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube channels for frequent news, tips, guides, and offers on all things IT for small businesses.